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Donation - Dakshina



Dear friends!


This text tells about "DAKSHIN" - this is what the East calls a certain kind of thanksgiving offering to a spiritual person.


Dakshina (dakṣiṇā) - in the Vedic religion, this term denotes a fee, a reward that was given to a priest, teacher or other spiritual person for services rendered. At the same time, Dakshina is a thanksgiving gift that is offered to support those family members who are spiritual leaders, devoting their lives to spiritual development, or bearing a "cross" of spiritual obligations before their family or community.


Every man offers Dakshin / lifting according to his possibilities and soul needs. It is a pure-hearted voluntary act that obliges neither the giver nor the recipient. The amount of lift is appropriate to the aid received.


It is very important to understand and realize what distinguishes dakshine from ordinary trade?

In the case of exchanging goods / services / money, there is a precisely defined price and terms of the fee paid. The exchange takes place at the material level and is obvious by both parties. In dealing with, for example, a teacher, the exchange is not that obvious, and even for the most part it can occur at levels that are not accessible to the student's awareness. The teacher himself once "paid" for the received knowledge, energies and information, which he can now pass on.


In nature, everything is in cooperation on mutually beneficial terms. It can be compared to the processes that take place inside the human body, where all cells first ensure the efficiency of the body, and only then take care of their own needs. Only tumor cells do the opposite


Dakszyna is also a kind of commitment of the students to take care of the teacher's needs (food, necessary living conditions, etc.). On the other hand, the teacher should provide them with the necessary help from higher levels (spiritual guidance, transfer of the necessary knowledge, energetic support, creating conditions for development, etc.)


In what form is dakshin made?

This is decided by the giver who wants to repay the help, so he should be well-versed in the needs of the recipient. It can be a favor, money, information, material things, etc. In some cases, the teacher may make a recommendation, but this is not an obligation.


The most correct one is to offer the Dakshin ahead. In this case, the laws of karma are triggered, which secure and regulate the mutual benefit of exchange, which in turn allows for maintaining balance and observing the rational boundaries in the relationship.


In nature, there are certain cycles and days that are most favorable for offering dakshine. These are all kinds of holidays, ranging from the planetary level to your individual birthday. On similar days, the size of the Dakshine seems to be increased. That is why people are happy to make gifts for different holidays.


Offering a Dakshine serves a person (especially his soul) by accumulating his strength, hops, increasing his virtues, etc.


I wish you to use this knowledge and copy it, adopting it as dakshin!

May it serve you and your souls for the evolution, development, enlightenment and liberation of all living and sentient beings!

In the name of love.


Best regards




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